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Showing posts from May, 2008

yarnarchist once again..?

well hey there! long time no see. since i started waitressing, workin' the needles is occasionally painful on my wrists (and vice versa, knitting hurts my wrists when i work...) so i really haven't been knitting much of anything. However, i'm sortof feeling lame and uninteresting, so i think i'm going to pick up my needles and start some projects to spice up my life. right now, i have a little dish cloth on the needles for a quick and inspiring project to jump start things once again. i can't decide what my next real project should be; should i try (another) sweater? hats? socks? something for my mom's birthday (in 2 weeks, none the less. + time to ship!) ... something for my beau's sister's new baby (due in august... this is possible...) ... Oh, lament! so many things to knit, so little time. Well, in other knitting news, i've restarted my interest in Ravelry, where you may or may not be reading this right now, and found some groups w/ local knitter...